Uncontrolled weight problems  14 bad habits to quit!


 There are many uncontrolled weight problems.  And some of our habits are mainly due to weight gain.  We can easily change these habits and make it easier to control weight.  So along with proper diet chart and exercise, we should also know about the habits that cause us to gain weight.  Let's not know what we can do to avoid uncontrolled weight problems!

 As much as talking about uncontrolled weight problems

 1) Sitting in front of the TV or computer to eat

 If we eat while watching TV, we overeat without our knowledge.  Because then our focus is on TV.  The stomach may be full a long time ago but even then I just keep eating as there is food in front.  This is called "mindless calorie consumption".

 2) Do not eat on a large plate to eliminate the problem of uncontrolled weight

 We usually keep putting food on the plate until our plate is full.  Now if the plate is too big then taking half of it is enough for our body but we wonder if eating half a plate of food will fill the stomach?  So the whole plate is not full of food.  So you have to make a habit of eating on a small plate without eating on a big plate.  It is better if eaten on a plate with a diameter of 8.5 to 10 inches.

 3) Uncontrolled weight problems do not take away the extra stress

 In today's busy age, excess stress is one of the reasons for abdominal weight gain.  Stress causes our body to produce cortisol, also called stress hormone.  Too much of this cortisol bloodstream can cause weight gain.  Because extra cortisol helps the body release insulin which will increase your appetite.  So the more cortisol you have, the more hungry you will feel and the more you will eat.  Cortisol raises your blood sugar when you feel stressed.  But even when the stress is over, your blood sugar levels remain high.  So this extra glucose is stored in your body as fat.

 4) Do not use the stairs

 Nowadays, there are elevators everywhere in the house, office, market, so many people do not use the stairs to get to the second floor.  This habit gradually makes us lazy.  So we can control our weight through various small tasks.  For example, using the stairs, taking the bus to get somewhere nearby, making it a habit to walk without taking a rickshaw.

 5) Eat less protein

 People who have a lot of carbohydrates in their diet will gain weight.  So everything should be eaten in moderation.  Eat protein with other foods because eating protein will help your body burn more calories to digest it.  You can eat seafood and skinless chicken as protein.

 6) If you take a lot of liquid calories (Liquid Calories)

 When we are out of the house we often rely on juices, soft drinks instead of water.  It is rare to see people drinking water instead of soft drinks when eating out.  Since we don't have a full stomach when we play these, we often overeat them.  But even if the amount is small, they have a lot of calories.  As a result, those who drink these daily or frequently tend to gain weight faster.

 6) Less sleep than needed

 Sleep irregularities are a cause of weight gain.  Studies have shown that people who sleep for 6 hours weigh less than those who sleep for 5 to 5 and a half hours.  This is due to the hormones leptin and ghrelin.  Sleep deprivation lowers leptin levels and increases ghrelin levels.  More greelin increases our appetite.  On the other hand, it seems that the appetite has not decreased even after eating due to low leptin.  So you will want to eat it after a while.

 6) Do not eat breakfast

 Many people wake up in the morning and go out without eating anything.  Some in the office, some to send the child to school, some to go shopping.  But we all need to keep in mind that not having breakfast in the morning makes it easier for us to gain weight.  Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day.  Moreover, if you don't have breakfast, you will feel more hungry in the afternoon and eat more.  Many people wake up in the morning do not want to eat anything.  But there is nothing to worry about.  Within 2 hours after you wake up, eat something light so that your stomach is not empty.

 9) does not estimate the amount of food eaten


 Most of the time we do not keep a record of our calorie intake.  If we want to lose weight, if we do not keep a record of what we eat every day, then we will not understand how many calories we need to burn.  If you wish you would not consume more than 1400 calories per day.  Then divide the calories for different times in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night.  Keep track of each day so that you can adjust to the next time you eat more.  Maybe you should take 250 calories at night.  However, if you calculate that you have consumed 1200 calories throughout the day, then you will consume 200 calories at night so that the amount of calories consumed throughout the day does not exceed 1400.  You may have eaten an ice cream, so write it down, and when you exercise, calculate how many calories you took for the ice cream and burn it.

 10) Uncontrolled weight problems do not eat too soon

 Many people start eating too early thinking that they will not waste too much time behind eating.  They do not understand how much they actually ate.  Maybe he went to eat early and took 3/4 teaspoon more rice or ate 4 loaves instead of 2.  So after giving food 3 times in the mouth, wait for 7/8 seconds.  Try to understand how much more food you need or how often you eat.

 11) Rely on gym machine monitor

 In many gyms, the amount of calories burned on a treadmill monitor is not exactly the same.  This means that you will burn more than you burn.  Which makes you feel like you've burned more calories than you need to.  As a result, you will consume more calories back home.  Of course, this does not apply to all gyms, but it is better not to rely too much on machines.  Use a treadmill, but do not rely too much on monitor information. Find out from your gym instructor how long it will be best for you to use the treadmill at what speed.

 12) Do not drink water before eating

 We usually walk on an empty stomach before the meal at hand.  Drinking a glass of water before every meal will make it easier to control weight.  Because water will take up some space in your stomach, you will not be able to eat extra.  You can eat herbal tea instead of water.  If you just don't like water, you can take one slice of lemon in water and eat it.

 13) Not to get along with everyone in the gym

 Since you have to stay in the gym for a long time, it is very annoying to be there alone.  That's why many people do not want to go to the gym and do not exercise at home.  Some are admitted to the gym but leave after a few days due to being alone.  So try to get a friend or other family member to join you in the gym.  Or try to mingle with those around you at the gym.  During treadmill or cycling, keep talking to the girl next to you. You will see that time is running out or you can exercise for a while.

 14) Eat on time to solve the problem of uncontrolled weight

 Morning, noon and night, if we do not divide the time of eating into 3 times, then when it is time to eat every day, we will be very hungry and eat more.  So divide the meal time more.  Have breakfast at 8 am, eat an apple at 11 am, have lunch at 2 am, eat something light between 5 pm and 5:30 pm.  For example, eat half a cup of noodles or half a cup of murdi, then finish dinner between 8 pm and 9 pm.  This will keep your stomach full throughout the day and never overeat.

 Here are some tips to avoid uncontrolled weight problems.  Hopefully, following these tips will help you lose weight.  Stay well, stay healthy .