What is Menopause, Why Do You Know About 7 Signs?
What is menopause, why do you know about 7 signs?
There are many women, whose menopause is coming forward and work in it with a tired panic or anxiety between them. Many people suffer from superstition again. This time all women have to face, so do not worry about unnecessary, if there is a proper idea about what can happen and what can be done in this time, then it will become very easy to tackle the matter. What is the menopause, why is it the signs of menopause? First of all, there is a clear idea about what menopause it is. Menopause is a very normal condition for women, which is usually due to the age of forty, everyone has become. A woman's normal child production capacity is gradually reduced and the physical and emotional changes that come to the time of completely closed of the Reproduction Period, which comes to the beginning of the menopause. Why are menopause? A woman usually accepts a certain amount of ovum, which are stored in its uterus. The uterus creates the body's irritroogen and japanese hormones, which controls the monthly and ovaluation of every month. When the egg emitted from the uterus is closed and the menopause is closed. How many of the menopause steps?  Menopause has three steps. Sajo: Perimonopause, menopause and post menopause. A few years ago, before the menopause started, Perimenopise At this time, the signs of menopause started to meet. That is, this process started from two to three years before the start of menopause. And menopause is the time period since the start of this process. During this time, many of the physical changes that many problems were in trouble. Which is very normal. But it should not be taken to consult the doctor if they do not keep them with dhampressa.
Signs of menopause ---
1) Hot flash (hot flash) is the thing that all suffers from all the flash menopause. Suddenly it is very hot without any source outside. It may also be in a very cold day. The duration of its period can be from a few seconds to ten minutes. In this case, you can eat cold water. You can read cotton cloths in a little pile. It will be a hot flash, but be in relief.
2) During the hair fall  menopause suddenly many hairstorms started. Many people suffer from very uncomfortable in external change. But it should be remembered that the hair fall is nothing lasting. Basically, the hair began to be thin due to the reduction of the production of Icretroogen and PapanCarton Hormone. It is not possible to stop absolutely. However, stress is free, regular exercise, adhering to nutritious diet, taking a lot of hairstyles, etc. can reduce the hair falling rate.
3) In sexual intercourse, due to reducing production of Bangladeshi Iricsrozen and Production of Production, the interest of physical sexual intercourse decreases a lot. Besides, the vagina is much more dry due to the decreasing the Esrogen hormone, due to that sexual intercourse becomes painful for women. To remove this problem, it is better to consult the doctor after listening to domestic topota or its words.
4) Seretonin and Dopamine Hormoni's images arise in the body of Mood Swing . That is why frequently moods are changing. One more reason for this is that other physical changes. For example, the weight of weight, hair fall, hot flash. Due to these, it is always possible to suffer from stress, which arises from a trivial reason. However, this problem reduces this problem if regular exercise, adequate sleep and stress free.
5) Joint pain is pain in different places of body, especially knees, elbows, fingers, backwards starting from this time. But in addition to menopause, if there is a problem with Athritis, Lupus and Burseitis, then such pain seems very bad. The most sad is that they have no permanent treatment. Different types of therapy, according to the doctor's advice, medicines, weight control relieves some of this pain.
6) Weight growth is one of the most important problems in weight growth at menopause. Because of this, many people suffer from knee, waist and back pain. During this time, due to illumination of Icretroogen and PapanCarton hormones, there is also a reduction in child production capacity. During the absence of this hormone, it is also difficult to control weight after it becomes difficult. Besides, many of the surroundings of the age of ages became the cause of weight gain. For example, children go away due to jobs, studies, or marriage. The jobs came to the pension of the jobs. These reasons increase the unrest in mind. So it is very important to make moderate food and regular exercise since forty. Because, this weight increases due to diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer risks.
7) Another problem with women during the time of insomnia menopause is that sleeping or sleeping all day after sleeping or sleeping, sleeping or tiredness all day. In many cases, it is seen that night sleeping at night. Which is because of the hot flash or gheme. Again, many people started drugs due to diabetes or high blood pressure or any other illness. These medicines may also be insomnia as side effects. In this case many people started eating sleeping medicines, which is not right. Just drink sleeping medicines only for the doctor's advice. These tasks gives a good job to reduce the appropriate exercise, proper exercise, caffeine accepts for good sleep.
Finally, menopause is a very normal process. Which will accept all women after a age. During this time, many changes in physical changes by hoot, many of them suffer from inferiority, go after depression. But if the whole thing is simply accepted and getting the support of the family, the whole thing becomes a lot easier. Be good, stay beautiful.
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